Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Wind Blowing Away..!!

Craft yourself a bit different,
To tend the wind towards you.
Which is blowing away.
Feel it as much as you can.
Create the opportunity by our own. 
Make it shape it, give a proper touch.
Do not let the fate on it own.
Grow your destiny in your soul.
Nothing come free what it may be,
We have to pay how much it may priced.
Today the love is showing its ugliest part.
Whether it is coming from the parent's part.
You are the one who has to run alone.
Because, someone said winner stand alone.
Grab the win with your own claws.
Believe in your thought what it may.
Never choose the fake shadow.
Try to make life as a rainbow.
As it have the different shade.
Likewise never let the life colour to fade.
Social boundaries obstruct you as storms.
Don't give up, live up as per your norms.
Never give up your hope, always hold the rope.
Jot down your fate, let others to hate. 
Show the world, your different part.
Which is truly from your heart.
And tend the wind towards you, which is blowing away from you…
                                                                                                        by Abhishek

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Early Dawn..!!!

In the early dawn when I woke,
Eternal peace and soothing breeze,
Sweet twittering of birds near the lake.
Charges me and laziness get squeeze.
Everyone still warped in gentle sleep.
And didn't  irritated by the broom's sweep.
How can they open their eyes,
Even not bothered by the sound of flies.
But I have to wake up.
Because I need a lot to make up.
My desire,my aim, my ambition,
And urge to do a unique creation.
Challenging the destiny with open heart.
Daily Something new I found in my cart.
Sweating for to make it real.
And love to do in a mood of  jovial.
I have to sweat out my blood,
Till the setting sun till the lit of lamp.
And puff out the energies of my lungs,
To earn for my living-hood.
The tired eyes, the face in hopes,
Looking at the door in my home.
For them I am the only scope, 
Of making their hunger desire. 
What will they do I feared,
When I lost my breath, 
I lost my energies I shivered.
They have to live under giant sky.
Hooting siren take me back.
I knock my head once.
And moved in the castle. 
Where I work to make my living.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Giving Up For You..!!!

 I completely make myself aloof.
I am standing on the edge of roof.
I am going away from your place
I will keep myself away from your trace.
I let myself along with the wind
My tears burst out and rained.
I am flying weightless in the space
I will miss the glimpse of your face.
Remembering the moment which I spent
It seems as I took them on rent.
Leaving you with your own world
Can't over come as I am brutally hurled.
Smiling without a fear of pain
Going down and down in the dark rain.
My breath is going to take aside
Why should I bother about my pride.
No dreams are left with me any more
As I drowned only near to the shore.
I was Supposed to take a ride of my life.
But now it is on the edge of knife.
I strike the ground with my heart.
I lied down like a numb.
I was looking as a dumb.
But still fear couldn't find a place
I died with a smiling face.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Wings

Flapping the wings 
With my enormous power
Trying hard to fly in sky
Feet are moved up an inch high.
My fate is taking me up and up
And dreams made me to do hip hop.
Working hard to make it true
Need to do a genuine argue.
With my own wondering thought
I feel things are crossed a limit a lot.
Going to gather the treasure I lost..
Making myself up to fight in the ring
In spite of the fear of loosing colorful wing.
No one will back up only I have to win.
And sideway caring others wish may not ruine.  
Now  giving the wings a little rest.
Settle myself at the tallest's tree nest.
Looking high up in the sky.
Counting whatever I gain.
And Flapping the wings again..

My Wings

Flapping the wings 
With my enormous power
Trying hard to fly in sky
Feet are moved up an inch high.
My fate is taking me up and up
And dreams made me to do hip hop.
Working hard to make it true
Need to do a genuine argue.
With my own wondering thought
I feel things are crossed a limit a lot.
Going to gather the treasure I lost..
Making myself up to fight in the ring
In spite of the fear of loosing colorful wing.
No one will back up only I have to win.
And sideway caring others wish may not ruin. 
Now  giving the wings a little rest.
Settle myself at the tallest tree's nest.
Looking high up in the sky.
Counting whatever I gain.
And Flapping the wings again..

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Let Me Go........!!!!

I want to be pulled  away,
From  the stack of your memories.

I want back my soul,
Which is lying near your bed.

I knelt down without any reason.
I crushed my ego and became quiet.

I want back my smile,
As I spent many restless night.

Need a break, to throw you out.
As I nailed down my happiness.

Lived a lot in a fraction,
Now want to  kick you far.

Pulled out the long thorn,
Which was pricked deep in heart.

I shaped my life as before.
You cruel heart leave me alone.

Don't make me to shake,
Let me go to my world back.

Don't make me to be awake,
Let me  take a peaceful nap.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Kingdom

I rule in my loneliness
I laugh, I cry, I shout
And I dance like a careless.
And for that I never need to confess
I rule, I rule, I rule
And I rule in my loneliness
Don't think I am new in this field
I am ruling since I was a kid.
It was not an easy job.
I lost a lot to wear this rob.
Let me brief a bit
About my kingdom.
Here, I am the king
I am the queen, I am public
And I am the troop.
And I rule, I rule in my loneliness.
Often my kingdom was attacked
Invaders tried to rule.
But I fought,  I fought
To save my lovely kingdom.
Number of times I was supposed to lose
My inner consequences impart me boost.
And I Survive and I survive.
And still ruling my kingdom.
But I always afraid,
of being loosing it.
It's my determination,
And always keep on backing me.
And it strengthen me,
To overcome from the fear .
I rule, I rule in my loneliness..

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ups And Downs

                                              Ups And Downs

If something is happening wrong in your life, everyone will says it is a normal ups and downs happens in life. But what if there is  down in your destiny, downs always drag you to the deep and deep. It plays an important role in ours life if an only if we take it in the positive way or else you ready to be destroyed. 

The same always happens to me and I'm such a fool never worry from all this and repeat the same. Since I passed my high school nothing went right in my life, there is always something happens which pulls me down and down. And the best part is that I take it easy in a pretty cool way by saying, ' Its all about destiny man..!!'.  And now even I left blaming my destiny and I hardly react when something happen wrong to me that I learnt  till from my life. It will be looking something nonsense I'm talking but its all about the nonsense which make a sense.

 Now let me say what I really mean to say, actually the thing is nothing is in our destiny we only create our destiny. We must not have any kind  regrets in our life. I think every thing happen to you for a reason. The hard time that you will go through build your character and will make you strong.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"The Day Of Disaster"

Though I was compelled to being a guilty
For that I have never done.

I was cursed and I was abused,
And slandered for that I never thought.

Forced to accept  which I didn't do
Heard the shouting "Odd man out"

From the each and every corner .
Looking around for the helping hand.

For me those will be the magic wand.
Confused a lot which one is coming from heart.

Or either it is just the fake luster.
Which will crush my feelings as a monster

I cried and bled in my thoughts.
I never argue and never revolt.

I lost the immortal belief .
My words are not worth of a penny.

I confessed for the over blamed.
I knelt down, welcome the disaster.

Which shattered , torn, crushed
And laid me down and made me alone.

I accepted whatever I have never done.
And put the flame of blame on me.

But I believe, I will overcome.
I believe I believe....

My Saga

                       "My saga"
The old saga of mine
Which was pure and divine?
There was nothing to cope up.
And even no pressure to shine.

Sitting in my grandma's lap,
Feeling like I am on cloud nine.
This was the pretty part of my life.
When I was only of nine.

By the time days, weeks,
Months and the years passes.
Daily something came in my life,
Which always find a new way to harsh?

What I am going to do.
Or what I will do in my future.
Mine and my parent's wish clashes.
Every moment and  the every time,
I fear of their bashes..

Gonna those days, gonna those time.
The little child grown up.
Where the scenario was changed.
And pushed into a professional line.

There i found a lot cope up
And even pressure to shine.
Now I am suppressed to think,
What was mine, what was mine
Is I am still on cloud nine…?