Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Early Dawn..!!!

In the early dawn when I woke,
Eternal peace and soothing breeze,
Sweet twittering of birds near the lake.
Charges me and laziness get squeeze.
Everyone still warped in gentle sleep.
And didn't  irritated by the broom's sweep.
How can they open their eyes,
Even not bothered by the sound of flies.
But I have to wake up.
Because I need a lot to make up.
My desire,my aim, my ambition,
And urge to do a unique creation.
Challenging the destiny with open heart.
Daily Something new I found in my cart.
Sweating for to make it real.
And love to do in a mood of  jovial.
I have to sweat out my blood,
Till the setting sun till the lit of lamp.
And puff out the energies of my lungs,
To earn for my living-hood.
The tired eyes, the face in hopes,
Looking at the door in my home.
For them I am the only scope, 
Of making their hunger desire. 
What will they do I feared,
When I lost my breath, 
I lost my energies I shivered.
They have to live under giant sky.
Hooting siren take me back.
I knock my head once.
And moved in the castle. 
Where I work to make my living.

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