Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Wind Blowing Away..!!

Craft yourself a bit different,
To tend the wind towards you.
Which is blowing away.
Feel it as much as you can.
Create the opportunity by our own. 
Make it shape it, give a proper touch.
Do not let the fate on it own.
Grow your destiny in your soul.
Nothing come free what it may be,
We have to pay how much it may priced.
Today the love is showing its ugliest part.
Whether it is coming from the parent's part.
You are the one who has to run alone.
Because, someone said winner stand alone.
Grab the win with your own claws.
Believe in your thought what it may.
Never choose the fake shadow.
Try to make life as a rainbow.
As it have the different shade.
Likewise never let the life colour to fade.
Social boundaries obstruct you as storms.
Don't give up, live up as per your norms.
Never give up your hope, always hold the rope.
Jot down your fate, let others to hate. 
Show the world, your different part.
Which is truly from your heart.
And tend the wind towards you, which is blowing away from you…
                                                                                                        by Abhishek

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