Monday, December 13, 2010

Giving Up For You..!!!

 I completely make myself aloof.
I am standing on the edge of roof.
I am going away from your place
I will keep myself away from your trace.
I let myself along with the wind
My tears burst out and rained.
I am flying weightless in the space
I will miss the glimpse of your face.
Remembering the moment which I spent
It seems as I took them on rent.
Leaving you with your own world
Can't over come as I am brutally hurled.
Smiling without a fear of pain
Going down and down in the dark rain.
My breath is going to take aside
Why should I bother about my pride.
No dreams are left with me any more
As I drowned only near to the shore.
I was Supposed to take a ride of my life.
But now it is on the edge of knife.
I strike the ground with my heart.
I lied down like a numb.
I was looking as a dumb.
But still fear couldn't find a place
I died with a smiling face.

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