Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Saga

                       "My saga"
The old saga of mine
Which was pure and divine?
There was nothing to cope up.
And even no pressure to shine.

Sitting in my grandma's lap,
Feeling like I am on cloud nine.
This was the pretty part of my life.
When I was only of nine.

By the time days, weeks,
Months and the years passes.
Daily something came in my life,
Which always find a new way to harsh?

What I am going to do.
Or what I will do in my future.
Mine and my parent's wish clashes.
Every moment and  the every time,
I fear of their bashes..

Gonna those days, gonna those time.
The little child grown up.
Where the scenario was changed.
And pushed into a professional line.

There i found a lot cope up
And even pressure to shine.
Now I am suppressed to think,
What was mine, what was mine
Is I am still on cloud nine…?

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