Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ups And Downs

                                              Ups And Downs

If something is happening wrong in your life, everyone will says it is a normal ups and downs happens in life. But what if there is  down in your destiny, downs always drag you to the deep and deep. It plays an important role in ours life if an only if we take it in the positive way or else you ready to be destroyed. 

The same always happens to me and I'm such a fool never worry from all this and repeat the same. Since I passed my high school nothing went right in my life, there is always something happens which pulls me down and down. And the best part is that I take it easy in a pretty cool way by saying, ' Its all about destiny man..!!'.  And now even I left blaming my destiny and I hardly react when something happen wrong to me that I learnt  till from my life. It will be looking something nonsense I'm talking but its all about the nonsense which make a sense.

 Now let me say what I really mean to say, actually the thing is nothing is in our destiny we only create our destiny. We must not have any kind  regrets in our life. I think every thing happen to you for a reason. The hard time that you will go through build your character and will make you strong.

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