Saturday, August 3, 2013

Is I'm happy Or not sure?

I am so happy, 
like I was never before.
I wanna fly with clouds.
Took some pebbles,
And thrown in the pond.

Chase the ducklings.
And scream so loud.
Raise my collar,
And I feel so proud.

I Stand before the mirror,
And adjust my smile
All these nonsense I do,
when I'm all alone.

Later I always think.
Is I'm happy, 
Or I'm confuse.

wait.. wait..

I'm happy or,
I'm not sure??

Friday, August 2, 2013

Is I'm in love? - wrote long back in 2008

What do I Call it?
Which is going through me
Whether it's a sign of 
Love or something……

How do I feel it?
Which is pondering in my heart?
Whether it's a sign of...
Love or something….

What should I do?
I gotta out of my senses.
I don't know what to do.
And What not to do….

I don't know where to go.
And where not to go.
Whether it's a sign of 
Love or something.

Why do I care for you?
Why do I think of you?
Why do I dream of you?
Whether it's a sign of,

Love or something.

Wish you to be in my life

The way you came in my life
I think its a reality,
Or just it's a dream of my open eye.

The way you talk.
The way you smile.
The way you laugh.
The way you cry.

I think it will make me
Crazy for a while,
Or for my rest of life.
It's a dream of my open eye.

The only thing which make me cry.
Are you really in my life
Are you really going to be mine
Or just it's a dream of my open eye.

I just thinking from dusk to dawn,
Where was my fault?
Where I did wrong.
That you're not in my life.

I was very much right
That, it was just the dream.
Of my open eye.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hey !! Pretty will you be my Valentine.

In the Monday morning,
there's hardly any ease.
Don't know how I was dreaming.
And Smiling with such a peace.

You talk so fast and,
 I always defeated by your speed.
You are so kittenish and,
I am so calm.

You are a dreamer,
But you are my dream.
You are ambitious and so do I,
C'z you're the only ambition of mine.

I know my dreams are  so high.
Its a Old saying, 'Dream high'.
So here I say...
Hey !! Pretty will you be my Valentine.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Somehow I managed..!!

Somehow I managed
To walk along with you.
Difficulties came in my way,
Like the swarm of bee.

I was lagging behind.
But somehow I managed,
To  walk along with you.

You put my love aside.
But  I managed, to walk besides.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Smile sprout on her face

On the non sense which I made

She giggled and I felt ashamed

A little smile too sprout on my face

And my face become red

I hide it by putting down my head

I turned back and about to go

And she started laughing in a flow.

I want to run but my leg were stuck

Tried hard but didn't move an inch

Suddenly someone shake me and said

Abhi get up you are getting late

I knocked my head

And I get down from my bed

I forgot her face and her name

Only remember her smile

whole day I was thinking

what was that who was she

Oh my god my almighty christ

want to see that dream every night...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Wind Blowing Away..!!

Craft yourself a bit different,
To tend the wind towards you.
Which is blowing away.
Feel it as much as you can.
Create the opportunity by our own. 
Make it shape it, give a proper touch.
Do not let the fate on it own.
Grow your destiny in your soul.
Nothing come free what it may be,
We have to pay how much it may priced.
Today the love is showing its ugliest part.
Whether it is coming from the parent's part.
You are the one who has to run alone.
Because, someone said winner stand alone.
Grab the win with your own claws.
Believe in your thought what it may.
Never choose the fake shadow.
Try to make life as a rainbow.
As it have the different shade.
Likewise never let the life colour to fade.
Social boundaries obstruct you as storms.
Don't give up, live up as per your norms.
Never give up your hope, always hold the rope.
Jot down your fate, let others to hate. 
Show the world, your different part.
Which is truly from your heart.
And tend the wind towards you, which is blowing away from you…
                                                                                                        by Abhishek