Friday, August 2, 2013

Is I'm in love? - wrote long back in 2008

What do I Call it?
Which is going through me
Whether it's a sign of 
Love or something……

How do I feel it?
Which is pondering in my heart?
Whether it's a sign of...
Love or something….

What should I do?
I gotta out of my senses.
I don't know what to do.
And What not to do….

I don't know where to go.
And where not to go.
Whether it's a sign of 
Love or something.

Why do I care for you?
Why do I think of you?
Why do I dream of you?
Whether it's a sign of,

Love or something.


  1. yaaa... not too long bk... its just a few hours been passed.. but still its fresh....
