Thursday, May 31, 2012

Somehow I managed..!!

Somehow I managed
To walk along with you.
Difficulties came in my way,
Like the swarm of bee.

I was lagging behind.
But somehow I managed,
To  walk along with you.

You put my love aside.
But  I managed, to walk besides.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Smile sprout on her face

On the non sense which I made

She giggled and I felt ashamed

A little smile too sprout on my face

And my face become red

I hide it by putting down my head

I turned back and about to go

And she started laughing in a flow.

I want to run but my leg were stuck

Tried hard but didn't move an inch

Suddenly someone shake me and said

Abhi get up you are getting late

I knocked my head

And I get down from my bed

I forgot her face and her name

Only remember her smile

whole day I was thinking

what was that who was she

Oh my god my almighty christ

want to see that dream every night...